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From Publishers Weekly
"In your lifetime you will breathe in and out more than a hundred million times.... What if you made a tiny improvement in something you did that many times?" So queries Hendricks, a professor of counseling at the University of Colorado and author of Conscious Loving, at the start of this quietly assured guide. His guided breathing exercises, most done lying down and in combination with gentle movements, are designed to free the movement of the diaphragm, increase oxygenation and relax the body. Benefits can include stress reduction, pain management, improved health and spiritual growth. In his discussion of the anatomy of breathing, Hendricks errs in saying there are two lobes in each human lung (the right lung has three lobes), but this handsome handbook, appealingly illustrated and laced with aphorisms about breathing from sports heroes, poets and philosophers, offers much of value to those just fostering awarenes of breathing to such advanced practitioners as singers and athletes.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Booklist
We inhale 20,000 times a day. Deprived of oxygen for more than 10 seconds, the brain fogs and panics; after 4 to 5 minutes, it never again functions with its former efficiency. Hendricks first traces the physiological journey of a breath, then lists the benefits of conscious breathing. Reportedly, it reduces stress and tension; increases energy and endurance; facilitates emotional mastery, particularly over anxiety and depression; prevents and heals certain physical complaints, especially asthma, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular illness; contributes significantly to "graceful aging" ; helps in managing pain; enhances mental focus and physical performance, particularly when applied to sports; and enables psychospiritual transformation. "Ultimately," Hendricks asserts, "breathing can be a path to that most essential of human experiences: learning to love." Thereafter, his amply illustrated book provides basic and advanced breath-work lessons and a 10-minute daily breathing program. Calling himself his "own best client," Hendricks builds a convincing case for his addition to alternative-healing therapies. Whitney Scott
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Selasa, 15 Juli 2008 08.02
Conscious Breathing: Breathwork for Health, Stress Release, and Personal Mastery (Paperback), Author: Gay Hendricks
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